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We here at Olivo Design wanted to thank you for your great service. We've been making great use out of your Online Retail Store for all of our clients who hire us for ecommerce sites. It's very simple for us to incorporate within the tailor-made sites we develop for our clients, and most importantly, it's extremely user-friendly for those who like to update/maintain their own shopping carts. We definitely recommend this wonderful ecommerce solution.
- Niles Thomas - CEO & Creative Director
Olivo Design www.olivodesign.com


What do you want to sell today?

Why Infinicart?

1. When you are afraid to make the wrong decision.

2. When you have searched everywhere and still can't find the right shopping cart for your business.

3. When you want to avoid headaches on your ecommerce shopping cart.

4. When you want a shopping cart that will not only facilitate sales but will HELP YOU SELL MORE.

5. When you are tired of your old website that is only full of flashy graphics, bright colors but doesn't make you money.

Now you can get Infinicart for as low as $389.95! See pricing table below.
ecommerce store demo
Store Front demo - LIVE demo of an ecommerce online store

Unlike typical shopping carts that only facilitates sales transactions, INFINICART helps you to SELL MORE.

It gives you control, savings and bottom-line sales results. No monthly fees and NO programmer intervention for managing your site.

Infinicart is an entrepreneur's dream come true. It combines the power of I.T. with marketing logic like no other shopping cart does.

This documentation cites not only the technical advantages, unique features, and smart capabilities of INFINICART but gives you a short explanation of why and how those features can help your business. More importantly, it shows you how those features translate into your bottom line - NOT JUST MORE SALES FREQUENCY BUT EVEN BIGGER PROFITS.


1. Ability to sell physical (tangible) and digital (intangible) goods. Customers will be able to download their digital orders instantly. Physical goods will be shipped based on their selected type of shipping. Whether you are a shoe salesman, or an artist selling your MP3s, INFINICART is the perfect shopping cart software for you.

Your customers don't even have to sign-up for membership to shop from your site. If they need just one MP3 for example, he can do a quick purchase by entering his credit card info and upon order completion INFINICART will send him an email that contains a Download Code link. When he clicks that link, it goes to a secured download page on your site where he can download his digital goods, that fast, and yet simple!

If you are selling huge multimedia files, you can breakdown those files and specify multiple downloadable files for each product. INIFICART makes it so easy.

Shipping costs are automatically adjusted. If a customer buys only digital goods then your shipping costs automatically disables. In case of tangible goods, your shipping cost is dynamically calculated based on the accumulated weight. More about shipping in subsequent pages..

Sell physical and tangible goods online easily by using Infinicart

Easy way to sell downloadable digital goods on the internet


2. Built-in Fully Configurable Search Engine Optimization via Dynamic META Tag creations. INFINICART lets you configure each page's TITLE and all META TAGS information DYNAMICALLY via the administration panel.

Common Meta tags like Author, Copyright, Description, Distribution, Expires, Keyword, Language, Revisit, Robots are readily available for you to choose from and enable on any page on your front-end retail store. You can also create new Meta tags and contents.

You can create a meta tag and automatically apply it to all pages in your site at a click of a button!

Built-in meta creations for search engine optimization



3. Auto-notification when inventory level goes below minimum level. You will never run the risk of running out of stocks during a sudden upsurge in sales of one or a group of products. Just set an ideal quantity and specify an email address then once inventory hits that level, the system sends you a warning email.

Manage inventories with auto notification when stocks go down


4. Flexible shipping options setup for sellers. You can setup the system to allow your customers to select from multiple shipping types. If you as a seller ships only by one certain type of shipping then setup the system to allow only that shipping type and your front-end store will pull only that shipping type. You can setup your site to calculate only the specific shipping services that you use. Be it Ground, Express or Priority only or all of them.

Not only can you send multiple shipping types from UPS, FEDEX and USPS - You can even customize the shipping captions that will appear on your front-end store. This way, your shipping methods will be transparent (or hidden) from your customers. In some instances, this ability is crucial for sellers. As a seller, you just want the customer to know that you can ship either by overnight, 2 days or 3 days but they don't necessarily need to know what shipping company you are going to use. This way, you as a seller/shipper will have more flexibility in shipping your products. Since the customer does not know (and usually does not care) what courier you will use, you can change the courier anytime you want. You don't get stuck to it. This happens when you realize later that one shipper costs less than the others and changing courier can save you a lot of money by doing so.

INIFINICART also fully supports international shipping calculations.

Remember: The ability to make profits is not just by selling more products, but also in how efficient you operate your business behind the scenes. INFINICART gives you efficient tools in selling your products, and also gives you tremendous amount of flexibility in operating the behind-the-scenes operations. Shipping is a major part of doing your business, so tackle it seriously.

Easy LIVE shipping calculation of your online store

Live shipping makes shipping fees very accurate

You can add handling fee by fixed amount or by percentage


5. Truly secured downloading of digital products. INFINICART's digital product distribution system is based on Ecommercemax's ultra safe DGS management system. All your downloadable products are placed in a secured non-browse able folder, not accessible by publicly by any browser at all. The technical permissions set to that folder allow low level security where only the program can access the products programmatically. This means that your important product files are not just stored in some unpublished html directory that can be passed around. As an additional security, you can set expiration for your products' downloadability. Normally, a day (24 hours) is enough time for your customer to download his digital orders but INFINICART let's you enter a custom expiration number of days.


6. Sell ANY TYPE of product with unlimited custom OPTIONS. INFINICART is so versatile that it will allow you to set any combination of custom options on a per product level.

Example: You may specify color or size options, or any type of options that you would like to be selectable. If you are selling movies then set options for formats like DVD, VHS, etc.

Since custom options are on a per-product level, other products in the same category may have their own different specific custom options. You can even specify default option that will be automatically selected when the product is displayed!

Create unlimited custom options for your inventories that you sell online


You can customize the OPTIONS by yourself so Sell almost anything!

7. Logged "searches". Another one of INFINICART's intelligent features. Each word or
phrase that visitors type on your search function gets recorded and you can review them in the admin panel. This feature will give you an idea on what your customers are looking for in your site so you can take an educated decision on what to sell.



8. Online Credit Card Payment and support for Offline payment transactions. INFINICART takes care of this very important feature and takes it to another level. It gives you control over how your online order notifications are built without you touching any source codes.

The fully automated administration panel gives you the ability to configure the format of your order notifications like company name, your URL, a header and a footer message. You can also specify CC and BCC company email addresses that can receive order notifications as well.

If your customer buys a multimedia file, his notification email will contain a note reminding him of an instant dowload link where he can get or download the product(s) he ordered.

Paypal IPN has a built-in intelligent debugger that logs all activities in a text file - incredibly helpful in troubleshooting IPN issues.

Inficart also supports Authorize.NET payment gateway and if you have a different payment gateway just let us know and we'll configure it for you.

Some stores want to let customers just place the order and call-in his credit card info. You can also do offline transactions like that.


A site should be used not only as vehicle to sell. You should be able to tame your site to a marketer's point of view. What if you want to change the order of categories because cool green or orange shoes are suddenly very hot trend? What if some famous person endorsed a particular product that you happen to sell; how can you make your site do just that? Well, INFINICART will help you. Read on…

9. Dynamic creation of unlimited categories and sub-categories. In the admin control panel, you can specify what categories to appear and in what exact order. You have full flexibility to arrange the order of categories that will appear on your site and you can change it anytime via the admin panel. Every change you make in the admin panel is automatically detected by the front-end so you can change the appearance of your site anytime. This is especially helpful when you want to highlight or promote certain categories. You have the power to tweak the way your site communicates with your customers and be able to adjust or react to sales performance. The thing is, you don't need to call you programmer to change it for you -- you can actually do it yourself right away. It is very simple.

Supports unlimited categories, sub-categories and custom groups

10. Create unlimited custom product groups. Effective marketers always do this. One of the best ways to market your products is by presenting them in logical or emotionally-stirring presentation. There are ways to group your products that will make it easier to have your customers buy stuff. For example, you can create a custom group called "Tom Cruise's personal Favorites", or "As seen on American Idol". You can have these custom groups appear and tell the system what specific order they should display on your front-end store.

11. Special Product Highlighting. Do you those random product icons on the top left corner of INFINICART's front-page? You can set a certain group of products to keep circulating on that spot each time the user refreshes his screen. This is cleverly using your own site to advertise your carefully selected products. These random product icons are a sure way to entice your customer to check out those certain products. Heck, even Amazon uses that technique. These Amazon.com-like and BUY.COM-like features have been proven to be highly effective so why re-invent the wheel? If it worked for them, it should work for you too!

Product highlighting to improve sales

12. In-page or Regular Product Highlighting to draw attention to special items. Create a group of selected products and give them its own eye-catching header. That header is another field that is different from the actual product title and its main purpose is for giving a particular product special ad-style header. This definitely is another clever way to divert attention to special products in your site.

Increase online transaction by enabling product highlighting on your site


13. Emphasize your specials by placing them in custom groups like "New Arrivals", "Season Favorites", "Today's deals" , or a group name you created. And here's the kick, you create your own custom groups or rename those existing ones. This is where you can get your creative juices to work. Most online marketers are able to sell products at massive quantities depending how on they present or package their items. If you come up with effective, even entertaining group names then you pretty much help the customer ease into clicking that "BUY" button with the slightest hesitation. People most likely buy when they're happy. If you keep them entertained at whatever chance you can, then you create that atmosphere.

Manage your inventory custom groups easily!


14. Intuitive product navigation. Home, View cart, My Account and Help are prominently displayed. This will give customers easy shortcut to his information, and his shopping cart at any page within the online retail store. There is not other better way to place these most needed links. When it comes to presenting product navigation to your customers, it becomes another story. Online retail stores' navigation must be tailored meticulously depending on what you are selling. These entails trial and error on the seller's end, seeing what navigation style is the most effective way to let customers click them. You may start out with link that says "Our Personal Picks for the Month" -- this type of opening link right at the very top will surely get a customer's attention. It works almost all the time with new visitors. However, it may not work always with repeat customers. INFINICART gives you the ability to customize these links so you can setup your store in its best money making configuration.


15. All website verbiages are configurable. Another configurable setting that you as seller can easily enable/disable and modify at anytime. See, different products sell best at different seasons. Repeat customers need dynamic contents all the time, if they don't notice right away any difference since their last visit then they just might easily leave your site. Now, being an active marketer, you should be active in responding to different events or whatever is happening around you. If it's winter next month, put a greetings that introduces your winter sales, something like "WELCOME TO OUR STORE, WINTER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER SO BE SURE TO CHECKOUT OUR OPENING WINTER SALES". INFINICART gives you the ability to change that opening greeting on top of your website.

Fully customizable product categories and groups


16. Quick Product Search; all searches are recorded and reviewable. INFINICART's built-in search engine looks at every important words or texts of your products. It is conveniently placed right on the top left corner of your store. Some customers just can't stand clicking through multiple levels of categories and sub-categories especially if you offer tons of selections. Having the ability to type a certain search word and immediately be presented by a clear result with an immediate "buy" button right away creates a very effective selling opportunity.


17. Get you selected products noticed. Select some of your hottest items and place them into the Featured Products listing. This group will appear most often in your online retail store. Imagine you have just received new inventories of items that you are very excited about. You want to sell them right away and fast! Well, it does not take a rocket scientist to know that the more often they get displayed, the more chances they will be bought. It's just simple advertising principle.


18. Product Thumbnails, Regular pictures and zoomed-images. Entice your customers to view your items by providing visual invitations. Product thumbnails or icons are the best attention-callers to get your buyer check out an item. Whatever you are selling, create good looking icon images of your products. Buyers correlate what they see, even the smallest images, into the actual quality of the product. If they see a shiny icon and a nice product image, it registers to their mind as a good quality product.


19. Lots of ways to emphasize if you have a much lower price. Enables you to emphasize the previous higher price. This feature can be turned ON or OFF for each product. Customers LOVE discounts and deals. Most of the time, they buy because of a great deal, not because they really need the product. And I know you are nodding your head because at one point, this has happened to you. You chance at a typical item in a neighborhood shop, found an item whose price got slashed by half!! Holly molly, who can pass up a great deal like that?? And guess what, INFINICART lets you duplicate that same marketing strategy.

Helpful captions and tags for selling your products


20. Flexible Product Discount and Discount Emphasis on your front-end store. You can setup a discount scheme for each product. In the admin panel, you can specify your discount amount as a percentage discount value or in straight dollar amount value. And the best part is you can show your customers that you are discounting those products by letting them see how much actually they are saving. No good deeds left unnoticed! You can use this feature in combination with "Cross-out Price Display" to create an irresistible offer to you customer. Imagine this scenario you are presenting to your customer:
** Slashed-out price compared to previous week
** In addition, you even knocked off another 10% discount
Both of these price-busting information clearly seen by your customer. What a great offer! If you are a customer, wouldn't it catch your attention and desire to buy that item? It's an opportunity, heck I better get it.

21. Detailed Product Information - allowing HTML formatting. If your products need detailed presentation then INFINICART gives you the flexibility to present those. This is very helpful if you are selling electronic products with much technical information. Buyers need those information, they are hungry for it. Believe me, the more technical information you provide the buyer for a technical product, the more chances that he'll buy it. They may already know that the tech specs they want are already supported, but they just need to see it anyway. If you leave no questions unanswered in the buyer's mind, then the more chances that he'll buy. He got all information he needs, and he can see them in your product's detailed specs. It pays to provide detailed information.
Some important product info: Part Number or SKU, Product headline (appears on product view and product ads), Description, Features, Model No., Dimensions, Competitor price, Cross-out price, Discount, Weight, Availability


22. Cross-selling or Suggestive-selling features. One of the most useful features of a good online store is the ability to do suggestive selling. After each item bought or viewed by your buyers, you can offer a list of related products on the fly. You can easily setup these product associations in the Store Manager program.


23. Configurable Number of products displayed per page. Depending on your taste, you can quickly change the number of products that appear per page on your store. This typically is typically set from 4 to 6 items but it totally depends on you. The thing is, it's just a snap to modify on the Store Manager program. Of course, the program is going to display page number so your customers can easily turn from page to any other page.


24. User friendly and very easy to use shopping cart. Customers will be able to update their shopping cart very easily with very visible tools like Update Quantity button and Edit Quantity boxes. It also displays the icons of the products to keep the customer well informed of what he has in his cart.


25. QUICK RE-ORDER button. Customers can log back in and review their past orders, and very importantly there is a very conveniently placed "RE-ORDER" link button beside each order summary. Sellers that sell common office supplies like printer cartridges, refills will find this feature incredibly useful. One of the best ways to sell is to make it easy for customers to buy - doesn't' that sound very logical? Yes it does and INFINICART helps you and your customer make selling and buying easier.

26. MEMBERSHIP not required. Your customers do not need to create an account to purchase from your site. Some of them just want to purchase but do not want the hassle of filling out membership forms. Unlike other shopping carts that require an account, you will not lose those sales opportunities.

Why is this important? There are customers that just want to buy as quickly as possible. These type of customers have no patience and just leaves your site when you force him to sign-up for an account. INFINICART makes membership a fully optional feature so your site is so much more flexible.

Infinicart supports selling for non-members too!


27. Dynamic quantity movement. Each time a product is sold, its running quantity is automatically adjusted by the system. You can even set a Maintaining Quantity Level for each physical product.

Ecommerce selling that supports dynamic inventory quantity

28. Built-in promo: Free shipping on orders that exceed a certain amount. The shopping cart automatically detects this event and automatically waives the shipping fee.

29. Built-in promo: Discount Coupons. You can create unlimited number of coupon codes from your Store Manager for your marketing activities. Promo codes can be setup in either By Percentage Discount or By Actual Value discount. You can also assign an automatic expiration date for those coupons!



30.Dynamic Content Management. INFINICART lets you as seller manage your verbiage by yourself. Just login to your Store Manager program and edit them directly. No need to request a programmer to do it. The changes you make appear instantly on your front-end store. If have knowledge of HTML (a very simple concept to learn) you can take advantage of doing your own html designs. INFINICART interprets those configurable verbiages as html pages so you can actually use formatting tags. If you have used MySpace or Friendster where you can customize your own page, then you get the idea. You have full control of how you want your custom verbiages to look like.


31. Host on your own selected server - your own maximum control. Unlike other solutions, INFINICART gives you the most flexibility in terms of hosting your site. These days where hosting costs 5 a cent, you can expect to have degrading quality of hosting. Hosted shopping carts cram multiple stores in their server, resulting in chaos. One store, goes down, the rest often get affected, if not totally crashing as well. You can host INFINICART in your own selected host as long it supports Windows IIS and your own choice of database, whether MYSQL, MS-SQL, or even MS-ACCESS. INFINICART gives you control - this translates into flexibility, less hassle and the bottom line - which no matter how you look at it, is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the equation - NET PROFIT.


32. Configurable sales/use tax for each state. You can assign different fixed tax rate for any shipping destination state.

33. Offline or Manual Order Processing. You can disable the live payment gateways and opt to just receive an email notification for each order so you can charge the credit card manually over the phone. These orders also get saved in a database that you can review via the Store Manager. This option is made available for sellers who are selling very expensive stuff and chooses to screen every transaction very strictly. This enables the seller to have maximum control over credit payments, but still sell remotely.


34. Instant Order Notification and Customer Notification. Receive a notification every time a new transaction takes place. Your customer also receives an order confirmation email for his orders in addition to a printable copy of his receipt that he gets after a transaction.

It is worth mentioning here again about INFINICART's ability to send the seller an ALERT NOTIFICATION if a particular product line is about to run out of stock. That's right! You as seller can set an alert quantity level for each item and specify an email address of your choice to be notified when the remaining quantity goes below your set maintaining level.


35. View each order history in the Store Manager. List, sort, or View every detail of each transaction. You can search by name, or sort past orders by date or customer name.


36. Manage Customer Records. List, sort, View or modify customer records from the backend.


1. Top Selling Products report (By Order Frequency) - Report that displays the most active products in terms of how many times each product has been ordered. This will give you an idea of how popular an item is to a range of different customer profiles.
Integrated top selling products reports

2. Top Selling Products report By Order Quantities) - Report that displays the most active products in terms of the quantities each product has been ordered. This will give you an idea of how popular an item is to a range of different customer profiles.

3. Top Customers report (By Transaction Frequency) - Report that shows you your most active customers in terms of the number of times they order. Useful in determining which customers are always ordering.
Integrated top customers reports

4. Top Customers report (By Transaction Amount) - Report that shows you your most active customers in terms of the accumulated amount of their orders. Useful in telling which customers give you the most money. This report will tell you which customers to be given service priorities when a situation calls for it. This will also give you a better perspective of the 80/20 rule. An 80/20 rule means most of the time - 80% of your profit comes from only 20% of your customers. Knowing which customers those are is vital to any business operation.

5. Active/Inactive Customers report - Report that will tell you which customers are ordering or not given a certain date. Given this intelligent information, you will know which customers to send those mailers to.
List active and inactive customers on your online store

6. Daily Earnings report - Gives you a day-to-day earnings summary for a range of date that you specify.
Get a quick idea of your online store's daily earnings

7. Search Logs - This report gives you an idea of what your customers are looking for when they search you site. All words or phrases are logged and you can search within those collected or logged search-texts for intensive analysis.


INFINICART gives you the tools to sell online smarter it's the technical vehicle to process those sales transactions and the tools to analyze how your online business is doing. Of course, this is not complete yet, what else is missing? You. You need to add your own magic personal touch to it, that's what really completes a great online store.





ith our current price offering, you will not find a retail store anywhere that is as powerful and as robust as our product. So start your long awaiting business plans as early as you can and start telling your friends too about it. Start your online business. Now is the time to have an online store that you can call your own!

..I am really glad that I recommended this store suite.
The support through the set up has been beyond what was expected, and for that we are truly appreciative.
Thank you very much once again.
- Chuck Strange more

1 Website License: $499.95

Licensed for one website only
Complete source codes & database
Users Guide + Manuals
Free 6 months customer support

2 Websites License: $559.95

Licensed for up to two websites
Complete source codes & database
Users Guide + Manuals
Free 6 months customer support

Developer License: $1295.95

Licensed for unlimited number of websites
Complete source codes & database
Users Guide + Manuals
Free 6 months customer support

We install for you - service: $179.95
For 1 and 2 websites license only; already included in Developer license

Optional additional service: If you want to just concentrate on running your business, then leave all the work to us!

Just purchase this service in addition to a 1 Website or 2 Websites License, send us your FTP address & login info then sit and relax. We will upload your files for you, set it up and launch it for you!

Technical Specs and Requirements:
WINDOWS hosting
ASP Scripting
MS SQL Database or MySQL

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